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Coordination: Sergio Martín Vicente Serrano; Santiago Beguería Portugués; Virginia Hernández-Santana; Juan José Durán Valsero; Miguel Ángel Rosales Villegas; Jesús Julio Camarero Martínez

Publication year: 2023

Language: English

Subjects: Ciencias de la Tierra, Divulgación científica

Collection: Ciencia para las Políticas Públicas

The CSIC’s functions include informing, assisting and advising public and private entities on science and technology, as stated in article 5 of its Articles of Association. Undertaking this task, we present the report, Droughts, from the Science for Public Policy series, which is addressed to the European Commission, public administrations and society in general. This report explains basic concepts related to droughts, outlines their impacts on agriculture, ecosystems and society. Finally, we present the most important research projects underway at the CSIC to address the management of water deficits.